Cyto-Lite™: Multi-wavelength laser engineAdvantagesLow costSingle fiber delivery of blue, green, and red laser linesFully software controlledSimplifies instrument complexity - eliminates shu...
儀器簡介:NL200 series nanosecond diode pumped Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers offer 2 mJ per pulse at 1000 Hz. End-pumped design ensures compact size of this nanosecond laser. Har...
儀器簡介:Unique rugged and compact design establishes PL2241 series picosecond lasers as versatile tool for research applications. The heart of the system is diode pumped s...
儀器簡介:A diode pumped solid state q-switched nanosecond Nd:YVO4 lasers offer high output power of infra-red (1064 nm) radiation together with high repetition rate. Featurin...
儀器簡介:A Q-switched diode pumped solid state Nd:YVO4 lasers offer up to 5.5 W output power at 532 nm. High beam quality together with short pulse duration and high output power...
儀器簡介:A Q-switched diode pumped solid state Nd:YVO4 UV lasers offer up to 3.5 W output power at 355 nm. High beam quality together with short pulse duration and high output pow...
儀器簡介:Build-in harmonic generators Angle-tuned LBO and KDP crystals mounted in thermostabilised ovens are used for second, third and fourth harmonic generation. H...
儀器簡介:Laser micromachining as the material processing technology on small and very small scale is finding numerous real world applications. Together with the newest technologie...
技術參數: Fixed @ 1572nm for NT373 without extensions with-XIR1 option: 4.1-6微米, 2.13-2.55微米 with-XIR2 option:2.13-2.55微米,1.81-2.13微米 with_XIR3 option: 5-11...
技術參數:波長調節范圍:700-1000nm&1140-2100nm,可擴展為330-550 線寬<30cm-1 重頻:10Hz 單脈沖能量@800nm:>100mJ 光束半徑:~10mm主要特點:可輸出532nm泵浦光  ...
技術參數:波長調諧范圍:670-1000nm&1140-2300nm,可擴展至335-5000nm輸出 線寬:<4cm-1 脈沖重復頻率:1KHz for NT253-1K, 500Hz for NT253-500 輸出功率:>100mW for NT253-1K,&...
技術參數:波長調諧范圍:420-2300nm,可紫外擴展為210nm-419nm。 重頻1000Hz 波長掃描步長:信號光(420-710):<0.1nm 閑置光(711-2300nm):<1nm ...
技術參數:Water-to-air cooling unit Cooling capacity up to 2 kW (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 kW options available) Laser loop coolant flow up to 7 l/min Pressure up to 3.5...
技術參數:波長調節范圍420-2300 nm 總效率達35% 可使用LabView drivers與PC連接 可以遙控操作 及其緊湊的設計主要特點:PG121 典型PG121光學參量振...
儀器簡介:接近變換極限的皮秒光學參量發生器使得在波長420-2300 nm范圍內有效降低輸出光束帶寬,達到低于2cm-1 并且使得輸出能量穩定性小于7%.單脈沖峰值輸出能量達到800 mJ.系統由全固態雙頭...
技術參數: 波長調節范圍0.68-16&mu;m 高能量轉換效率 線寬小于6cm-1 固態,使用方便 可用LabView drivers連接PC 可遙控操作 緊湊設計 &...
技術參數:波長調節范圍0.21-16&mu;m 可見光譜范圍中能量1mJ,紅外光譜范圍中間部分300mJ 線寬小于6cm-1 固態,使用方便 可使用LabView drivers與PC連接 &nbs...
儀器簡介:The new kHz tunable wavelength laser system is available from EKSPLA. Integrated in a single compact housing diode pumped Q-switched laser and OPO systems offers no-gap t...
儀器簡介:L2140 系列皮秒激光器是當今科學領域中皮秒級光源的理想選擇. 具有值得信賴的優良輸出性能,同時保存了以前系列的使用方便的特性. 當與我們的PG400, PG500 與 PG411/511 系列光學參量...
儀器簡介:加拿大MPB公司,專業生產準分子激光器,激光性能穩定,性價比高,得到越來越多的用戶的好評與認可。 一種創新的多氣體準分子激光器,緊湊而且便于攜帶,可以提供毫焦級能量的脈沖,脈沖持續時間僅...
儀器簡介:PHAROS is a Yb:KGW based system that delivers power sufficient for a number of materials processing applications and has a pulse duration short enough to make it attractive for the res...
技術參數:波長在420-2300 nm之間任意調節.可擴展至紫外波段210nm 可見光譜范圍中輸出能量達30 mJ 線寬小于5 cm-1 脈沖持續時間4-6 ns 脈沖重復頻率10 或 20 Hz &...
儀器簡介:應用 級聯放大器 等離子體發生器 激光器產生等離子體的吸收光譜(法) 衛星定位 激光引導熒光光譜分析 皮秒級磷光光度法 ...