FlowMaster MITAS激光圖像系統由一個三軸驅動顯微位移平臺構成,該平臺擁有一個高性能的控制器并且裝備了一個精度很高的顯微物鏡。在標準的應用中使用了一個小型的二...
FlowMaster 顯微PIV系統設計用來測量微米級空間分辨率下示蹤顆粒速度場。它利用粒子成像測速原理,將常規 PIV 應用拓展到微尺度范圍。 系統采用雙脈沖Nd:YAG激光作為...
FlowMaster High-Speed 系統為流體動力學分析提供了新的研究手段。它同時提供了基于數字PIV的空間流場信息和每一點隨時間的演化信息。 測試系統功能和性能指標: 系統功能: ...
層析PIV(Tomo-PIV)是一種全新的三維速度場測量技術。顆粒的速度信息是 由在順序兩次曝光時刻重構出來的粒子三維圖像的互相關處理得到的。通過全數字化過程...
儀器簡介: 在內燃機引擎,透平機械或泵體中進行PIV測量通常需要設計加工昂貴帶有光學透明窗口或全光學玻璃模型。采用相機內窺鏡或激光內窺鏡可以在只開尺寸很小的...
儀器簡介: 德國LaVision公司的StrainMaster 系統是一種用于分析固體變形和由微粒組成的流場(簡稱微粒流場)的非接觸式光學測量工具。 &nb...
技術參數:LaVision introduces a new member to its StrainMaster family. In addition to the well known StrainMaster Lab system, LaVision is now offering the StrainMaster Portable system, a compact and l...
儀器簡介: 燃燒是獲得能量的一種主要方式,同時又是造成大氣污染的重要因素之一。使用Lavision公司的FlowMaster可以實時、在線的對火焰成像,并且得到組分濃度、氣...
LaVisionzei新推出EngineMaster inspex 系列產品用于在真實量產發動機上進行氣缸內內窺式成像測量。 可以采用內窺式成像對發動機缸內運行過程進行可視化觀測,從而對接近量產發動機運轉狀...
Depending on the requirements for your specific application LaVision offers different PIV cameras.HighSpeedStar, Imager pro HS 4M and Phantom CMOS sensors with frame rates up...
Depending on the requirements for your specific application LaVision offers different PIV cameras.Imager intense camera with highest sensitivity and very low readout noise.
Depending on the requirements for your specific application LaVision offers different PIV cameras.Imager LX camera family is an advanced, high resolution, progressive scan, fully...
Depending on the requirements for your specific application LaVision offers different PIV cameras.Imager SX cameras are very compact and lightweight, price-efficient high resolution and...
Depending on the requirements for your specific application LaVision offers different PIV cameras.Imager pro X camera...
Depending on the requirements for your specific application LaVision offers different PIV cameras.Imager sCMOS camera contains a new generation of scientific CMOS (sCMOS) s...